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Police salutes conservancy workers in Tirunelveli

On Thursday, the Tirunelveli police accorded a guard of honour to the hygiene and conservancy staff of the Tirunelveli Corporation for their remarkable and selfless service.

Police salutes conservancy workers in Tirunelveli

Kathir WebdeskBy : Kathir Webdesk

  |  10 April 2020 11:08 AM IST

Be it a cyclone, flood or a pandemic, there exist a force that is always at the forefront breaking their sweat so that we live our lives easy. Ever since the Wuhan virus started hitting the streets of Tamil Nadu, the frontline warriors comprising of doctors, nurses, policemen, hygiene workers etc have been lauded for their efforts by the members of the public. But it is another thing to get appreciated with a guard of honour. On Thursday, the Tirunelveli police accorded a guard of honour to the hygiene and conservancy staff of the Tirunelveli Corporation for their remarkable and selfless service in these trying times.

The workers were led by the City Health Officer of Tirunelveli Corporation Mr. Satish and the police presented the guard of honour in the presence of Corporation Commissioner G. Kannan and Assistant Collector (Training) Sivaguru Prabhakaran.

It was an emotional moment for the worker with many having a lump in their throat as their efforts have always been unrecognized and underappreciated on a normal day.

Looks like it takes a crisis for us to realize the importance of the people who we take for granted on a normal day!

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