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Women's day wishes to every warrior out there.

Women's day wishes to every warrior out there.

Womens day wishes to every warrior out there.

Kathir WebdeskBy : Kathir Webdesk

  |  8 March 2020 10:16 AM IST

There's nothing like watching your child suffer and not able to do anything about it. People often say that time heals pain. Would they ever realise that time doesn't heal wounds, it just makes them old enough that you get used to the pain. Unless it happens to your wife, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, friend or cousin, then it's pain that you live with for the rest of your life.

Asha Devi, the helpless mother is still fighting for justice against all odds in the land, where women force (Shakthi) are portrayed and worshipped as Gods. Even after eight long years, she is still fighting the battle to get justice for her dead daughter and keeps empowering the victims and survivors of the heinous crime. She died a painful death the day she saw her daughter Nirbhaya admitted in hospital gasping her last breath. Even if the judgement is passed today and capital punishment is being served to the convicted, she will never be able to get over it, the pain will continue to haunt her every day and the anguish will stay as long as she is alive on this earth. Each time the court hearing is on, the trauma keeps repeating and the mother will have to go through the entire grief again. The accusations, the character assassinations, the mercy petitions, the human rights, all of it, yet this brave mother will continue to stay strong until the convicts are hanged to death, without mercy. Because you never knew the strengths and powers of a mother until you're one. From being a hapless innocent mother who had never been to a city like Delhi to fighting against every mercy plea, this mother is not a mere survivor, she is a warrior.

The satisfaction and happiness among people over the Hyderabad encounter (Dr. Priyanka's rape murder case), is a matter of concern that people's trust in the law and order of the country is broken. If the victim is not served justice at the right time and is asked to repeat the court hearings every week, while the rapists are offered cash along with sewing machines, how do people will ever believe in the law and order of the system? Why would there be any jubilation when incidents like Hyderabad encounters happens? In spite of such collapse in the judiciary belief, people do question the Government that will this stop the future rapists? And a more important question is, will every rapist be treated the same way - irrespective of their social status?

Not only rape, women are being harassed in their day-to-day lives in every possible ways. When #metoo hashtag became viral, many women came forward voluntarily to talk about how they survived harassment in workplace, public places and even in their own homes. Those experiences, if you read, you could come across one thing in common, women are being objectified everywhere. I wonder why men are always seen as a whole whereas women are seen only as a part? This clearly shows that objectification of women has been integrated in the society and is passed on from generation to generation. This is simply unacceptable and has unfortunately made objectifying women a social norm. Objectification of women is so pervasive that many men aren't even aware that they complicit in it. This is the sole reason encouraging men to mistreat and disregard women for generations. Women should be treated with respect and empathy, not dehumanized and objectified, and we as a society need to be better about representing women more positively in social media and television programmes. Women should be represented as the complete people that they are, not just empty objects.

From a very early age, we're taught stereotypes and roles to fill in order to maintain order in the society. By doing so, we continue cycles that have done damages for decades. We should start educating people at an early age about the dangers of perpetuating the gender roles, and pinpoint all the subtle ways that society pushes these ideas forth. It keeps repeating, though it should be obvious, that women are real people and don't merely exist for men's enjoyment. These harmful perceptions of women need to change, and we need to be better as a society and stop perpetuating the cycle of harmful ideas. This women's day let us make a change by teaching our daughters and sons to see women for more than just their bodies and outward appearances. Let's work together towards a country that is free of misogyny, and has values and respects women and their freedom, instead of oppressing them. Only then we can have a country where women will not be reduced to objects.

Happy women's day to all.

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